Posted by Outer Banks Blue

How Pet Friendly is the Outer Banks???

This week's Memory Monday Submission comes to us from Stephanie Clossin of Ashville, Pennsylvania. She and her family stayed in the "High Tide" vacation rental property in Nags Head September 19th through 26th.We will let Stephanie tell the story of her stay with us.Our Outer Banks vacation at the "High Tide" was definitely unforgettable. We arrived on Saturday, and were on the beach all day enjoying the sun and the family being together. My sister Sandee had to leave Sunday to go back to work in Virginia. Her husband Bob was leaving Monday to go home to Pennsylvania with Foster their dog (son)!!! He decided to take him for a walk before they left. We were all in the house eating dinner when Bob came running in and yelling Foster took off. This was the beginning of our unforgettable vacation. We searched for him until about 11pm. My sister left Virginia and came back down, and arrived about 230am, and we searched until 430am. The next day they got up at 6am and started looking again.....I went to staples and made flyer's. We hung them up at stores and about 6 miles of the beach road. We got nothing! And my sister had to leave and go back to work. The next day I went to make more flyer's and hung them. We finally got a call from two women that they spotted Foster. We spotted him on the Dunes....poor thing was terrified and wouldn't come to anyone....then we got a call from the rangers at Jockey Ridge Park that they spotted him....still couldn't get him. It was getting dark but Bob wouldn't give up. He went back and waited....Foster almost jumped in the car, but took off and hid in the wooded area. Finally at 1 am after luring him with McDonald's hamburgers they caught him behind the houses in Jockey Ridge. Foster is now back with his family!!!!! I just want to thank all the people of the Outer Banks. I have never seen so many people concerned and wanting to help. There was no one that didn't want to lend a hand. Everyone should be proud to live in such an area that is so pet friendly. We could have never done it by ourselves!!!! Can't wait till next year!
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