Posted by Terry Moore

The Outer Banks In The Off-Season: Why You Should Visit

When people think of an Outer Banks vacation they typically think of a nice hot summer vacation. They love to picture themselves cooling off in the ocean or jumping in the pool after a long day at the beach. Although the Outer Banks is a beautiful summer destination there are some benefits to visiting in the fall, winter, and spring, also known in the Outer Banks as the off-season.

Less Crowded and Less Traffic

The Outer Banks in the off-seasonThere's nothing like spending a week relaxing on the beach in the Outer Banks. Walking on the beach with the sand between your toes and the sound of the waves crashing will put anyone in a tranquil state of mind.For some trying to find a spot among everyone else enjoying the beach can get a little frustrating. It's no secret that the Outer Banks tends to get crowded in the summer. If you seem to enjoy sitting two to five feet from strangers on the beach then summer is perfect for you, but if having almost the entire beach to yourself sounds relaxing then you may want to consider visiting in the off-season. Although it may be too cold to lay out in the winter the Outer Banks gets quite warm during the fall and spring. In April, May, September, and October you can expect to see temperatures anywhere from the 70's to 80's. This may not be the same as a nice hot summer day that can get over 100 degrees, with the heat index, but it's nice enough to relax in a bathing suit without breaking a sweat.Not only are the beaches less crowded in the off-season there is also almost no traffic. If you are coming to stay on the Outer Banks during the summer you can expect to sit in traffic for hours while arriving on Saturday. If you time your vacation right and cross the bridge very early in the morning you may be able to beat the traffic, but it's still a gamble. During the off-season you'll also notice it will be easier to get from place to place with little to no traffic to compete with. Think of going to a restaurant and being able to be sat almost right away.Outer Banks sunset in the off-season

Beautiful Scenery

Although the Outer Banks is beautiful in the summer, there is a lot of beautiful scenery during the off-season.Fall is an obvious season that has beautiful scenery virtually anywhere. There is no other month like October for sunrises and sunsets on the Outer Banks. Imagine waking up to a breathtaking sunrise over the beach with the calming sound of waves rolling onto the shore. The morning sky becomes painted with beautiful hues of magenta and purple while the sun rises above the ocean to warm the sand. It's not every day that the east coast gets to see a sunset over the ocean. In October we tend to see amazing sunsets from the beach. The clouds become purple with a beautiful glow of yellow and pink along the horizon. The beach is relaxing enough on its own, but imagine lying on the sand under a picture perfect sky that looks like a painting. The sound of the ocean and the gentle breeze of the wind will cause you to slip away into a state of relaxation and peace that you didn't know was possible.Most people's ideal Outer Banks vacation is not usually in the winter. Oftentimes people think of the negatives; it's too cold for the beach, the grass and plants are dead, it's too cold to sit outside. We agree that those are disappointing, but there are also positives to visiting the Outer Banks in the winter. Although the grass and most plants may be dead there is still a lot of beautiful scenery. Have you ever seen the beach covered in snow? It's very beautiful and a must see in our opinion. In fact two years ago was a sight to see when the entire sound froze over! The winter can be a very romantic time with your loved one. It's perfect to take a nice long walk on the beach and come back to the house to sit in front of the fireplace. The hot tubs that normally get neglected in the summer (because it's so hot out) can get put to good use. Picture yourself sitting in the hot tub relaxing while listening to the sound of snow gently falling around you.Everyone knows that spring is a beautiful time of the year. Just as the weather starts to turn nice and warm again, the flowers start to bloom and the birds begin to chirp. The Outer Banks usually sees some of its vacationers making their way back to their favorite vacation destination. In the spring you can truly sit back and enjoy the sounds of nature without it being interrupted by tons of other vacationers. You can comfortably layout on the beach in a bathing suit and enjoy your favorite book with no distractions. Spring is also a perfect time to take walks with a loved one. Picture yourself taking a peaceful walk with the aroma of numerous plants and flowers blooming right beside you. The vibrant colors, warm air, and pleasant smells will be sure to put you in a state of bliss.

Reduced Rates

The majority of vacationers know just how expensive a week stay in the Outer Banks can be. By the time you find the perfect home in the perfect location it is not uncommon for the cost to be $5,000 or more. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day rental prices are always raised due to it being the peak vacation season. The offseason provides a more affordable option. There are times where a property that costs $13,500 a week drops to as little as $3,000!If you are someone that has vacationed in the Outer Banks before but wishes it wasn't so crowed, busy, and expensive, then the off season may be the perfect time for you and your family to take a vacation!
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