Posted by Tim Cafferty

Dare County Control Group Restricts Travel to the Outer Banks

Greetings from Outer Banks Blue, and from the Outer Banks,

Earlier today we received this announcement from theEmergency Control Group for Dare County:

Inresponse to updated guidelines from the CDC to avoid discretionarytravel, the Dare County Control Group has made the decision to restrictvisitor access to Dare County beginning today, Tuesday, March 17 at 2:00p.m. 

Whilethere are currently no individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 inDare County, officials weighed the potential benefits for community healthalong with the tremendous impacts these restrictions have on our community.

Beginningat 2:00 p.m., checkpoints will be established at entry points to Dare Countyand no visitors will be allowed access. Permanent residents, non-residentproperty owners and non-resident employees of Dare County businesses may reviewentry guidelines at permits from previous years will not be accepted. Staff is working toactivate the online permitting system by 1:00 p.m. to apply. We anticipate aninflux of users when the system becomes available. To prevent a systemoverload, if you need an entry permit, please wait and apply closer to the dateof your anticipated arrival. 

Personnelworking at the Emergency Operations Center are available to answer COVID-19related questions using a dedicated phone line. Please call 252.475.5008.Personnel anticipates a high volume of calls. If you reach a voicemail, pleaseleave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible. 

For regularly updated information on COVID-19 in Dare County and information about how to protect yourself, your family and our community, visit

What Does this mean for you as an OBX Blue Visitor?

If you are a visitor that was planning to come to the Outer Banks for the near future you will not be able to access your rental property while the authorities have this road block in place.

Outer Banks Blue reservations department staff is working with those guests that are affected regarding refunds on a day by day basis. We will reach out to each affected guest to give you clear information on your specific situation.

We are advised that travel insurance does not cover this situation because local authorities have not called for a mandatory evacuation.     Guests who are currently here are able to stay through the end of their tenancy, but if they leave the county, they will not be able to return.  This is unprecedented, and in fact the situation may change so we will stick to the facts at this point, and will deal with the situation on a day by day basis.

There has been no timeline given on how long access to the area will be cut off for visitors, but we look forward to welcoming you back to the Outer Banks when this crisis passes.

We have little else to share at this point, but wanted to make you aware of this situation right away. As more information is available to us we will share it here.

Stay safe, and be well.

All the best from the beach!

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