This week's Memory Monday submission comes to us from Carrie Pohl of Pocono Lake, Pennsylvania who stayed with Outer Banks Blue in May at the property "Glistening Sands" in Nags Head. Glistening Sands is one of 83 properties that Outer Banks Blue has in our rental program that allows your dog to come with you AT NO EXTRA CHARGE, and Carrie brings us a picture of "Snoopy" who is really glad about that.Carrie tells us " This is my daughter's dog Snoopy who loves the water. We put the pool on the dune deck for my grandson and she decided it was hers. She also enjoyed diving into big pool but had to wear her life jacket as bulldogs sink. We had a great time watching her."We don't recommend allowing your pets to dive into the big pool as they get hair in the pool filter, but we had to share this great photo of the doggie pool that Snoopy enjoyed during her Outer Banks Blue stay. We look forward to serving Carrie and Snoopy again soon!All the best from the beach!
Posted by Outer Banks Blue