This week's Memory Monday submission comes to use from F
What a great vacation Fran and her family had (judging by these pictures)!
She tells us that these photos were from our second trip to the Outer Banks. "Some dear friends and I decided a few years ago that we should all go on a beach trip together. The summer of 2009 was our first trip-we enjoyed our time so much that we came back last summer. During that first summer we realized that the Outer Banks was the perfect place to go to get away from our hectic and somewhat stressful lives in DC and just spend time hanging out w
The 11 of us had an epic drive down from Washington, DC we were all giddy with exhaustion and some of us decided to stop at the rest stop on the border of Virginia and North Carolina for a Dairy Queen treat. At the rest stop, Maeve decided to buy us some sparklers--the smallest amount she could find was a box of 12-she's holding them all proudly in the photo. As you can see in the photo, Maeve and Sam were really excited to use the sparklers on the 4th!
Thanks for sharing your favorite Outer Banks Memories with us Fran!
All the best from the beach!