When you cross the state line headed to your vacation home, there are a lot of things to look at and absorb. Are you already contemplating your next visit? As you return home from the Outer Banks, what is the last thing you look at and remember all year while you wait to return?

I have had the pleasure of touching the lives of many families, watching them learn and live the Outer Banks history, while making memories to last a lifetime! This position has been so fulfilling and I will take the memories of crossing the bridge and passing that Mile Post 1 sign with me to the grave. I now live in Camden, NC which is about an hour commute. I enjoy all of the sites along the way, especially counting the different state tags I pass along the way. I enjoy comparing statistics with the visitors on our website through analytic research with those that I meet & greet on the roads. It has been an honor to paint the pictures online using photography, videos & elusive descriptions of the vacation homes. Families unpack their lives in these home and it has been one of the most amazing experiences in a career. There are many shops, diners and stops you can make on your way to and from the Outer Banks year round, and we look forward to counting your tag as you pass by on your next visit!